NAPFA Pressoom
NAPFA has long been a vocal advocate for the Fee-Only financial planning profession and the public. The organization has collaborated with other organizations to advocate for legislation and industry-wide policies that would create a financial planning profession while extending the fiduciary standard of care to all practitioners offering investment advice.
Media Contact: If you are looking to schedule an interview or need more information for a story, please contact NAPFA at
Member Media Requests: NAPFA members are willing to assist the media, and are available to serve as sources on topics related to financial planning, such as wealth management, planning for milestone events, saving for college, re-paying student loans, and elder care, among many others. If you are a writer seeking a NAPFA member source, please contact Please include the name of the outlet, a short description of your topic, and your deadline for interviews or responses. NAPFA members will respond directly to members of the media via email.
2024 Press Releases
- NAPFA Responds to NASAA’s Proposed Revisions to Broker-Dealer and Agent Practices
- NAPFA Announces Date Change for 2025 Fall National Conference
- NAPFA Announces the Appointment of Justin Nichols, CFP®, and Cheryl J. Sherrard, CFP®, to the National Board of Directors, and Michael D. Gibney, CFP®, as Secretary-Treasurer
- Joni Alt, CFP®, Appointed 2024-2025 NAPFA Board Chair
- Natalie Pine, CFP®, Appointed 2024-2025 NAPFA Board Chair-Elect
- Eleven Individuals Complete the Summer NAPFA DEI Certificate and Training Program
- NAPFA Announces Recipients of 2024 Awards
- NAPFA Among 68 National Organizations Supporting the New U.S. Department of Labor Retirement Security Rule
- NAPFA Submits Comment Letter in Support of U.S. Department of Labor Proposed Retirement Security Rule
2023 Press Releases
- Thirty-Three Individuals of Wescott Financial Advisory Group, LLC Complete NAPFA DEI Training and Certificate Program
- NAPFA Statement on the Reintroduced U.S. Department of Labor Retirement Security Rule
- Twenty-Eight Individuals Complete Fall 2023 NAPFA DEI Training and Certificate Program
- NAPFA Foundation Announces New College Affordability Project
- Daphne Jordan, CFP® Appointed NAPFA Board Chair
- Joni Alt, CFP® Appointed NAPFA Board Chair-Elect
- NAPFA Statement on Trailing Commisions Policy Change
- Fifteen Individuals Complete Spring 2023 NAPFA DEI Training and Certificate Program
- NAPFA Recognizes 2023 Award Recipients
- The National Association of Personal Financial Advisors (NAPFA) Names Kathryn A. Dattomo, MNA, CAE, CFRE Chief Executive Officer
2022 Press Releases
- Fifteen Individuals Complete Fall 2022 NAPFA DEI Training and Certificate Program
- Americans are Looking to Employers for Financial Wellness Benefits
- NAPFA Announces Interim CEO
- NAPFA Announces Exclusive Partnership with FP Transitions
- NAPFA CEO Geoffrey Brown Steps Down as of November 15
- Wendy Hartman, CFP® Appointed 2023 NAPFA Board Chair-Elect
- NAPFA Announces Partnership with Onyx Advisor Network
- NAPFA Recognizes 2022 Inspiring Leader Award Recipient
- Twenty-Three Individuals Complete Inaugural NAPFA DEI Training and Certificate Program
- NAPFA Announces its New Partnership with the National Association of Registered Social Security Analysts (NARSSA)
2019-2021 Press Releases
- Americans are Turning to Social Media for Financial Advice
- Jeff Jones appointed as FY 2022 NAPFA Board Chair-elect
- NAPFA Stands in Solidarity with the Asian-American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Community
- NAPFA Partners Launch the BLatinX Internship Program (BLX)
- New Tools from NAPFA Advance Workplace Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
- Karla McAvoy appointed as 2020-21 NAPFA Board Chair-elect
- Financial Planning Coalition Statement on DOL Proposed Retirement Investment Advice Rule Package
- NAPFA Statement on Recent Regulatory Events
- NAPFA Selects Annual Award Recipients
- Financial Planning Coalition Statement on the Reintroduced DOL Investment Advice Rule
- NAPFA Statement on Addressing Racism and Gaps in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
- NAPFA, FFP, FPA, CFP Board Statement on Helping Non-profits Survive
- NAPFA Statement on Changes to CFP Planner Search
- NAPFA Releases Consumer Generational Survey
- NAPFA Releases New Consumer Survey
- NAPFA Announces 2019-20 NAPFA Board Chair
- NAPFA Responds to SEC Reg BI Rule
- NAPFA Selects Annual Award Winners
- Fiduciary 101 Infographic: How to Protect Your Retirement Savings
- Benefactors and Executors